Friday, October 09, 2015


Our client was a 68-year-old woman who was visiting her dying 90-year-old father as he was receiving hospice care in a nursing home.  Observing her father’s discomfort, she tried to help him breathe by adjusting his respirator.  As she moved toward his bedside, her foot became entangled in respirator tubing which had been left dangling on the floor by the nursing staff.  Caught in the tubing, she lost her balance and was thrust to the floor.  She fractured her pelvis. 
The hospital tried to put the blame on our client asserting that she should have seen the dangling tubing.  We brought the case to a mediator who agreed that the nursing home should have secured the tubing to the rail of the bed and not allowed it to be strewn across the bed where it could and did dangle onto the floor.  Attorney William Mahlan convinced the mediator that the nursing home created an unreasonable risk that could easily have been avoided.  The nursing home paid $125,000 to compensate our client for her injury. For a FREE CONSULTATION call 1-877-529-4343 and speak to an attorney immediately.

For more information on nursing home falls click on the following link

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